
Tornar Mecenatge

Dona en memòria o en suport EN

Donate in memory or in support

Remember those who suffered or give support to those who are still suffering from illness and make their testimony inspiring to others. Always moving forward.

Dona en memòria o en suport Imatge

Dona en memòria o en suport Text EN

Your options

Sant Pau offers you different options to remember and honour the people who have left us or to support those who are suffering from an illness. So that your memory and courage help others to always move forward, collaborate!



Make an extraordinary contribution

Extraordinary contributions (over € 250) make a significant difference in the day to day of care and research, and have great tax benefits: The first € 250 will deduct 80% and, from this figure up, 40%. For example, if you donate € 500, you will deduct € 300 on your income statement.


How to do it?

  • Online Donation: Use the form you have above
  • Bank transfer (remember to contact us to provide us with your tax data, to make possible the deduction of your donation)
    • Healthcare projects Hospital Sant Pau: ES53-2100-0885-6302-0023-8080
    • Research Projects Institute Sant Pau: ES70 2100 5000 5602 0019 2805
  • By phone: (+34) 660 43 68 10 (Mon-Thu from 9AM to 5PM, and Fri. from 8AM to 3PM)
  • By email:

Create a solidarity initiative

Create a solidarity campaign here in memory or in support of someone. You will be able to explain their history and the reasons that have led you to make an initiative on their behalf.



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